If your band is booked at Punk Rock Night – please have every member of your band review all of the info below.
Day of Show Info:
Three Band Nights:
Play a 35-45 minute set
Doors open at 8:00
Load in Before 8:30
Tell fans to be there by 9:00
First band starts around 9:15
Second band at 10:20 or so
Third band on around 11:30
Four Band Nights:
Play a 30-35 minute set
Doors open at 8:00
Load in Before 8:30
Tell fans to be there by 9:00
First band starts by 9:15 at the latest
Second band at 10:15 or earlier
Third band at 11:15 or earlier
Fourth band at 12:15 or earlier
Street parking is free. Park close to the door so you can load in easily – there is plenty of free parking across the street as well.
Bands are allowed one guest per band member, to a limit. See the door person upon check in to work it out.
The Melody Inn closes at 3:00am.
Cover songs are allowed at the Melody Inn but we do love original music!
Punk Rock Night shows are hosted shows. Our host will welcome the crowd and introduce the bands. If you have a special intro, or come out to music, we can work that out.
Help the show move along smoothly by following these tips:
The first band loads their gear directly onto the stage.
The second band loads into the corner across from the stage.
Third and fourth bands keep your gear in your vehicles until the band before you is on stage – then you can load into the corner or set up on the sidewalk and load onto the stage when you’re up. If it’s cold out you can and should bring in anything sensitive to temperature.
Don’t hold up the band after you! Don’t disassemble your gear on stage – get it off the stage THEN take it apart and put it away – this way the band after you can get set up much quicker.
The Melody Inn provides the P.A. complete with monitors, microphones and mic stands. Let the door/sound person know if you need anything special plugged into the soundboard like keyboards or if you need a mic for a wind instrument.
On regular nights bands split most of the door, so the more people that show up, the more you make. Punk Rock Night is run by the PRN Foundation – a 501c3 non-for-profit company, we do often take a cut to help cover our expenses and so we can keep putting on epic shows.
Cover is usually $8 – $10 on 3 band nights and $10 – $12 on 4 band nights, depending on how many bands are from out of town.
Out of town bands get a higher % of the door than local bands to cover travel.
Sell merch if you want – when you check in, grab a table or booth to set up your wares. Large touring bands like to use the pool table for merch.
Band beers are available for just $1.00.
For lodging, check this helpful site: toursleeper.com/
Promoting your show:
We promote shows via the website and our social networks but bands are highly encouraged to promote hard as well – it does make a difference: posters, flyers, handbills, bulletins, event posts, your social networks and more.
We will have event pages on our website and on Facebook two months before the show and will have posters up one month before the show.
Note: ALLTRACK licensed music is not allowed to be played or performed at Melody Inn
Send all promotional materials to:
The Melody Inn
attn: Punk Rock Night
3826 North Illinois Street
Indianapolis, IN 46208-4017
Promote Your Event: Press Contacts:
Indy In-Tune radio: foxy@indyintune.com
The Indy Star paper: dlindquist@indystar.com
PRN site: