
Contact Tracing

Help make our shows – and yourself – more safe during the pandemic
by filling out the Contact Tracking form below.

The idea is that if you contract the virus we can contact everyone that was at the show(s) that you attended and alert them that they may want to get tested or voluntarily quarantine. We will also alert you if someone from a show you attended contracts the virus. This way we can track it and keep it from spreading any further.

By filling out the form you agree to contact us if you test positive for COVID-19, and you give us permission to contact you if we get find out someone at a show you attended contracted COVID-19. We will not share your contact info with anyone else, this is just for contact tracing purposes.

From the CDC:
What is contact tracing?

Contact tracing is used by health departments to prevent the spread of infectious disease. In general, contact tracing involves identifying people who have an infectious disease (cases) and their contacts (people who may have been exposed) and working with them to interrupt disease transmission. For COVID-19, this includes asking cases to isolate and contacts to quarantine at home voluntarily. CDC website link.