Lousy Sue | Primitive shitrock/punk from Indianapolis, IN
The Smart Shoppers | DORKWAVE, Punk, New Wave, DIY, Lo-Fi from Green Bay, WI
RAMATHORN! | Punk/rock from Indianapolis, IN
$6 Cover.
All shows are live streamed to our site and our Facebook page, watch at home safely.
Doors at 8pm, Show at 9pm – The Melody Inn closes at 3:00am under current restrictions.
Masks are recommended when not seated!
Facebook event page: facebook.com/events/507516623940099
Photo Gallery: facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=PunkRockNightIndianapolis&set=a.5878965382145378
Live feed video of the show: facebook.com/143790145662959/videos/317961200012937